Okay so I'm learning Data Structures where my tutorial is following class
syntax. So now I am trying to convert it to function
declarations as I want to practice Linked Lists with that notation. Can anybody help me with the conversion? I need only one method to be converted and I'll be able to do the rest of them.
Here's the code I have with class
class Node {
constructor( val ) {
this.val = val;
this.next = null;
class SinglyLinkedList {
constructor () {
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.length = 0;
push( val ) {
const newNode = new Node( val );
if ( !this.head ) {
this.head = newNode;
this.tail = this.head;
} else {
this.tail.next = newNode;
this.tail = newNode;
return this;
const list = new SinglyLinkedList();
list.push( 'HELLO' );
list.push( 'WORLD' );
Here's what I tried so far to achieve function-based approach:
function Node( val ) {
this.val = val;
this.next = null;
let head = null;
let tail = null;
let length = 0;
const SinglyLinkedListFunc = function() {
const newNode = new Node( 'HELLO' );
This is what I could achieve so far. And I'm stuck with it and I don't know what to do next. Someone please help
functional heritage
The linked list is a functional structure and so using it with functional style yields the best results. This means avoiding things like mutation and variable reassignments. Below we implement a functional-style immutable linked list in an object-oriented interface -
class Node {
constructor(head, tail) {
this.head = head
this.tail = tail
const empty = Symbol("empty")
class List {
constructor(t = empty) {
this.t = t
push(v) {
return new List(new Node(v, this.t))
toString() {
if (this.t == empty)
return "∅"
return `${this.t.head} -> ${new List(this.t.tail)}`
const l = (new List).push("a").push("b").push("c")
Notice how each call to .push
returns a new, unmodified list -
c -> b -> a -> ∅
f -> e -> d -> c -> b -> a -> ∅
c -> b -> a -> ∅
modules preferred, classes optional
But I think you can do a lot better than that. By mixing functional designs and concerns directly with class-oriented semantics, we end up with strange and often inefficient programs. In functional style we write modules with ordinary functions. If an object-oriented interface is desired, only a thin wrapper around our plain functions is needed -
// list.js
const empty = Symbol("empty")
const pair = (left, right) =>
({ left, right })
const push = (t, v) =>
pair(v, t)
const list = (...args) =>
args.reduce(push, empty)
const toString = t =>
t == empty
? "∅"
: `${t.left} -> ${toString(t.right)}`
class List {
constructor(t = empty) { this.t = t }
static empty() { return new List() }
static of(...args) { return new List(list(...args)) }
push(v) { return new List(push(this.t, v)) }
toString() { return toString(this.t) }
export { default:List, empty, pair, push, list, toString }
In your main module we will import list
from our list module -
// main.js
import List from "./list.js"
const l = List.empty().push("a").push("c").push("d")
c -> b -> a -> ∅
f -> e -> d -> c -> b -> a -> ∅
c -> b -> a -> ∅
Expand the snippet below to verify the results in your browser -
// list.js
const empty = Symbol("empty")
const pair = (left, right) =>
({ left, right })
const push = (t, v) =>
pair(v, t)
const list = (...args) =>
args.reduce(push, empty)
const toString = t =>
t == empty
? "∅"
: `${t.left} -> ${toString(t.right)}`
class List {
constructor(t = empty) { this.t = t }
static empty() { return new List() }
static of(...args) { return new List(list(...args)) }
push(v) { return new List(push(this.t, v)) }
toString() { return toString(this.t) }
// main.js
const l = List.empty().push("a").push("c").push("d")