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Cloud9 Run Option Computes Twice As Fast, But Takes Longer To Display Output On Terminal

While AWS Cloud9 (C9) IDE's Run[Alt+F5] option runs Python programs (py) twice faster then a competing compute engine, but C9 takes almost thrice longer to display output on C9's terminal, so the time advantage is lost. However if I compile/run the same py on the C9's terminal using python[2-3], it shows the output instantly, after compilation. The problem is only when displaying outputs of Run[Alt+F5] option on C9's IDE, which I would prefer to use. The py code:


import time

class many_items:
    def __init__(self):
        self._many_random_names = [ 
                'Vladimir Alexandrakis',
                'Zampeta Bekiaris',
                'Triantafyl Tsatsos',
                'Melpomeni Papantoniou',
                'Korina Angelis',
                'Manolis Karatzas',
                'Niki Kostas',
                'Venetia Symeonidis',
                'Kassiani Kritikou',
                'Maria Stavrou'

    def __getitem__(self, arg1):
        print('__getitem__() called with argument: ' + str(arg1))
        return self._many_random_names[arg1]

    def __setitem__(self, arg1, arg2):
        print('__setitem__() called with arguments: ' +
              str(arg1) + ' and ' + arg2)
        self._many_random_names[arg1] = arg2
        return self._many_random_names[arg1]

# Timing
start_time = time.time()

m_items = many_items()
print(m_items[8])  # Calls __getitem__(8)
# !Calls __setitem__(8,'Nikolina Kavvadias') and passes two arguments 8 and 'Nikolina Kavvadias' plus self
m_items[8] = 'Nikolina Kavvadias'

print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time))

#AWS: < 0.0002923011779785156 secs
#Competitor: > 5.650520324707031e-05 secs


  • I have resolved this timelag issue by using nodemon! Now I have the amazing mix of C9 and blazing fast results too! Woohoo!