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How to send data to API Post to be used by Lambda Function

I'm trying to post my customer name using fetch, in an async function.

     async function ExecuteEC2(customer) {
        const response = await fetch(
            method: 'POST',
            body: {
              Customer: customer,
            success: function (response) { 
            error: function () {
              alert("error with database");

The function is used in my button so that when it is clicked it triggers the API.

                className="btn btn-primary bt-btn btn-size"
                onClick={() => {
                  alert("Oh, hi " + customer);
                Configure Ansible

Finally, the lambda function has been set up to read and apply the API data to our EC2. However, it doesn't show up whenever I try to grab the customer data. Where and how would I amend this to push it through the post?

    import time
    import json
    import boto3
    import urllib3
    import requests
    from pprint import pprint 
    region = 'eu-west-2'
    instance = 'i-ec2'
    ec2 = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=region)
    def handler(event, context):
        customer_name = event['Customer']
        #boto3 client
        client = boto3.client('ec2')
        ssm = boto3.client('ssm')
        # status = client.describe_instance_status(IncludeAllInstances = True)
        # pprint(status)
        # response = ssm.send_command(
        #     InstanceIds=['i-ec2'],
        #     DocumentName="AWS-RunShellScript",
        #     Parameters={'commands':[
        #     "mkdir create2.txt",
        #     ]},
        # )
        # print(response)
        return {
            'statusCode': 200,
            'body': json.dumps(customer_name)


  • To fix this issue I had to redo my async function.

    I first added the function to my API call file.

    async function ExecuteEC2API({ apiName, path, user, body }) {
      // replace this with the path you have configured on your API
      let jwt = user.signInUserSession.idToken.jwtToken;
      let myInit = {
        headers: { Authorization: `${jwt}` }, // OPTIONAL
        response: true,
        queryStringParameters: body,
      try {
        const response = await, path, myInit);
        console.log(await response);
        return await response;
      } catch (err) {
        console.log("fetch failed", err);

    Following this, I then edited the async function in the deploypage.js to call what was needed,

      let ExecuteEC2 = async () => {
        let response = await ExecuteEC2API({
          apiName: ....,
          user: user,
          body: {
            method: "query",
            Key: Key,
            Customer: customer,
        console.log("EC2", response);
        await delay(5);

    This seemed to do the trick!