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Unity InputSystem wont work because namespace not found *i tried almost everything

i tried everything from creating a new project, downloading inputsystem from packagemanager, manually and ... i tried editing assembley.csharp and adding hintpath... i tried reinstalling and importing old assets which input system worked well...

[{ "resource": "/C:/Driver/GAME MAKING/Repos/Unity2D/Pong-2-001018/Assets/Scripts/PlayerController.cs", "owner": "csharp", "code": "CS0234", "severity": 8, "message": "The type or namespace name 'InputSystem' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEngine' (are you missing an assembly reference?) [Assembly-CSharp]", "source": "csharp", "startLineNumber": 6, "startColumn": 19, "endLineNumber": 6, "endColumn": 30 }]

this is the problem. i just cant fix it it kills me. i can go back to old input system but why it shouldnt work?

even i downloaded last version of .net, runtime and sdk.


  • I found an answer here but I have to do this everytime I build or play.

    I just add this :

    <Reference Include="Unity.InputSystem">
            <HintPath>C:\Driver\GAME MAKING\Repos\Unity2D\Pong-2-001018\Library\ScriptAssemblies\Unity.InputSystem.dll</HintPath>

    to assembly.csharp and changed vscode version to 1.2.0

    Also having generate .charp r json files ticked in edit>external editore made everything worse. If you dont need them uncheck all.