Java debugging information only returns null without stating the actual cause of the error in the finally clause of the try/catch and not sure on how to get rid of this error message or the cause of it which is related to the recycle method called.
Below is the error log:
Agent Manager: Agent printing: Create Report final insert error: null
Agent Manager: Agent error: java.lang.NullPointerException
Agent Manager: Agent error: at JavaAgent.createReport(Unknown Source)
Agent Manager: Agent error: at JavaAgent.NotesMain(Unknown Source)
Agent Manager: Agent error: at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
Agent Manager: Agent error: at Source)
Below are the functions being called
private void createReport() {
Integer qCount = 0;
Document qDoc = null;
ViewNavigator vNav = null;
try {
qView = currentDatabase.getView("RecsByRNo");
qDoc = qView.getFirstDocument();
vNav = qView.createViewNav();
while (qDoc != null) {
String qNo = qDoc.getItemValueString("RNo");
String qType = qDoc.getItemValueString("EType");
String qStatus = qDoc.getItemValueString("Status");
String qBy = qDoc.getItemValueString("RBy");
Document tmpReqDoc = qView.getNextDocument(qDoc);
qDoc = tmpReqDoc;
} catch (Exception e) {
logErrors("Create Report error: ", e);
} finally {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
logErrors("Create Report final insert error: ", e);
agentLogger.LogAction("<<< Count: " + qCount + " >>>");
private void logErrors(String t, Exception e) {
agentLogger.LogError(t + " " + e.getMessage());
agentLogger.LogError(t + " " + e.getStackTrace().toString());
System.out.println(t + " " + e.getMessage());
Any recommendation will be appreciated.
The order of recycle()
should be updated in the reverse order of creation. The qDoc
and vNav
objects has been created from qView
object. If recycle on qView
is called first then other objects become null as well. And it's always good practice to check for null
before closing object in the finally
finally {
try {
if(vNav != null) vNav.recycle();
if(qDoc != null) qDoc.recycle();
if(qView != null) qView.recycle();
} catch (Exception e) {
logErrors("Create Report final insert error: ", e);