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AWS Iot sdk javascript - Cannot connect to AWS (Failed to read credentials for AWS_PROFILE default from undefined)

I am trying with no luck to connect with websockets to aws iot with aws-iot-sdk. I'm getting the error "Failed to read credentials for AWS_PROFILE default from undefined" on browser console + "To connect via WebSocket/SigV4, AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key must be passed either in options or as environment variables; see" + "Uncaught Error: Invalid connect options supplied."

It's my first time posting here, so please be patience if you think my way of describing isn't good:(

Btw i have set all the required credentials right according to this exampleenter link description here I gave admin privileges to IAM user too.


  • If you can run CLI commands then execute aws sts get-caller-identity and it will show you the user of current session. You can also echo AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE to verify if the profile you selected is correct one.