so I am working on a game using Phaser framework. Everything is going smoothly until I deploy using firebase. For some reason, when I try to host the game using firebase, I get an error which shows that the image cannot be found
The error that I get is as such: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () ". When I change that asset to another image, it also has the same issue. However, when if I were to open the html file in browser, the asset does load and I can see the image. I am not sure why there is an issue like such, but if you are able to help me out, it would be much appreciated
The code below is how I add the image into the picture
preload() {
this.load.image("engineershirt", "SLICES/upperpri/sm1.png/");
create() {
const engineershirttop = this.add.image(320, 550, "engineershirt");
the slash /
at the end is too much, it should only be this.load.image("engineershirt", "SLICES/upperpri/sm1.png");