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Access @PathVariables from parent's @RequestMapping

I'm trying to access the @PathVariables defined in "MyClass"'s @RequestMapping parent. Simplified screnario:

@RequestMapping(value = "some/path/{with}/{multiple}/{variables}")
public class ParentClass {...}

This class is sort of a product's base class and should not be edited. Therefore I'm extending 'ParentClass'. In 'MyClass' I want to do something like this:

public Object get(@PathVariable("another") String another) {...}

I think this is allowed (didn't test yet), but I don't see how I would get all PathVariables that are already defined with 'ParentClass'.

Any idea/ RTFM reference on that is very much appreciated.


  • Yes, that is possible

    class Parent{
    class Child extends Parent{
     // take over pathvariables from parent
     public String abc(@PathVariable String a,@PathVariable String b, @PathVariable String c) {
            return a+b+c;
     // ignore pathvariables from parent
     public String d(@PathVariable String d){
      return d;

    Just take over the @Pathvaribles of the Parent-class

    Then a request like http://localhost:8080/a/x/b/y/c/z will return "xyz"

    And a request like http://localhost:8080/a/ignore-a/b/ignore-b/d/capure-d will return "capure-d"