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Auto add first Char in Textfield based on Entered Value

I am attempting to add a textfield called Initials and based on what user enters in say fName textfield onkeyup auto complete initials textfield using first character only.

Here's my pathetic attempt, need help

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>Enter your name: 
  <input name="fName" type="text" id="fname" onkeyup="showFirstChar()">

  <input name="Initials" type="text" id="Initials">    
    function showFirstChar() {
        var sWord = document.getElementById('fName').innerHTML;
        document.getElementById('Initials').innerHTML = sWord.charAt(0);


  • try this

    var sWord = document.getElementById('fName').value;
    document.getElementById('Initials').value= sWord.charAt(0);

    Input has .value property instead of .textContent