I'm trying to write step definitions with Serenity Cucumber BDD
Scenario Outline: I need to try to Sign up as a new user
Given I have clicked on the Sign up link
When I enter <username> and <password>
And I click on sign up button
Then I must see Success message
| username | password |
| user001 | test123 |
| user002 | test123 |
My step definition
@When(value = "I enter {word} and {word}")
public void iAddUserNameAndPassword(String userName, String password) {
user.addNewUserInfo(userName, password);
How can I use "userName" and "password" instead of "word" in the step definition
@ParameterType("word") // regexp
public String userName(String userName){ // type, name (from method)
return new String(userName); // transformer function
If you are using Cucumber you've got it almost right. I don't actually know what Serenity does.
The parameter type annotation should have a value that is a regular expression. This regular expression should match the values used in your step.
public String userName(String value){
return value;
public String password(String value){
return value;
Then in your step definition you can use the method names of the annotated methods as parameter types.
@When("I enter {userName} and {password}")
public void iAddUserNameAndPassword(String userName, String password) {
user.addNewUserInfo(userName, password);