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Why are two select statements (on array of custom objects) are combined into one result?

Why are the two PowerShell "Select Name, Count" statements below (from an array of objects) combining into one result. How can I modify to see two results, grouped at two different levels. Each select is returning the correct data, but they are combined in one common set of headings.

$customObjectsArray = @() 

#### build a few objects for to reproduce my issue #### 
$customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
FileName = "Demo1.odx" 
Type = "Orchestration"
Method = "GetText"
$customObjectsArray += $customObject

$customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
FileName = "Demo1.odx"
Type ="Orchestration"
Method = "GetUser"
$customObjectsArray += $customObject

$customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
FileName = "Demo2.btm"
Type = "Map"
Method = "GetText"
$customObjectsArray += $customObject

$customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
FileType = "Demo2.btm"
Type = "Map"
Method = "GetConnString"
$customObjectsArray += $customObject

$customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
FileName = "Demo4.odx"
Type = "Orchestration"
Method = "GetText"
$customObjectsArray += $customObject

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "============================"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Grouped By MethodName, FileType... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)" 
$customObjectsArray | Group Method, Type | Sort Count -Descending  | Select Name, Count 
# I tried this way as well, same result. 
#$groupdArray2 = $customObjectsArray | Group Method, Type | Sort Count -Descending 
#$result1 = $groupedArray2 | Select Name, Count 

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "============================"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Grouped By MethodName Only ... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)" 
$customObjectsArray | Group Method | Sort Count -Descending  | Select Name, Count 
# I tried this way as well, same result. 
#$groupedArray1  = $customObjectsArray | Group Method | Sort Count -Descending 
#$result2 = $groupedArray1 | Select Name, Count 

Actual Output:


Grouped By MethodName, FileType... Count of Items = 5


Grouped By MethodName Only ... Count of Items = 5
Name                   Count
----                   -----
GetText, Orchestration     2
GetUser, Orchestration     1
GetText, Map               1
GetConnString, Map         1
GetText                    3
GetUser                    1
GetConnString              1

Desired Output:


Grouped By MethodName, FileType... Count of Items = 5

Name                   Count
----                   -----
GetText, Orchestration     2
GetUser, Orchestration     1
GetText, Map               1
GetConnString, Map         1


Grouped By MethodName Only ... Count of Items = 5
Name                   Count
----                   -----
GetText                    3
GetUser                    1
GetConnString              1


  • --- Updated Answer ---

    Getting rid of Select and replacing with Format-Table seems to have cleared up the output. I also got rid of the redundant Write-Host cmds.

    I cleaned up your example so each object had the same properties. Then I broke down the Pipe using an intermediate variable and it seems to work fine.

    $customObjectsArray = @() 
    #### build a few objects for to reproduce my issue #### 
    $customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
    FileName = "Demo1.odx" 
    Type     = "Orchestration"
    Method   = "GetText"
    $customObjectsArray += $customObject
    $customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
    FileName = "Demo1.odx"
    Type     = "Orchestration"
    Method   = "GetUser"
    $customObjectsArray += $customObject
    $customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
    FileName = "Demo9.btm"
    Type     = "Map"
    Method   = "GetText"
    $customObjectsArray += $customObject
    $customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
    FileName = "Demo2.btm"
    Type     = "Map"
    Method   = "GetConnString"
    $customObjectsArray += $customObject
    $customObject = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property @{
    FileName = "Demo4.odx"
    Type     = "Orchestration"
    Method   = "GetText"
    $customObjectsArray += $customObject
    'Grouped By MethodName... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)' 
    $Tally = $customObjectsArray | Group Method 
    $Tally | Sort Count -Descending | FT Name, Count 
    'Grouped By MethodName, FileType... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)' 
    $Tally2 = $customObjectsArray | Group Method, Type
    $Tally2 |  Sort Count -Descending | Ft Name, Count 

    Sample Output:

    Grouped By MethodName... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)
    Name          Count
    ----          -----
    GetText           3
    GetUser           1
    GetConnString     1
    Grouped By MethodName, FileType... Count of Items = $($customObjectsArray.Count)
    Name                   Count
    ----                   -----
    GetText, Orchestration     2
    GetUser, Orchestration     1
    GetText, Map               1
    GetConnString, Map         1