How can I use use something like variant
(which is in C++) in Julia?
In C++, I can do something like this
variant<int, float> value;
How can I do the same thing in Julia for a parameter of a function?
function func(??)
# something
Sorry if it does not convey what I want to do.
You can use union types to do the same.
function func(x::Union{Int, AbstractFloat})
x + 1
Note that C++ std::variant
is a tagged union, so you can always ask "which" variant it is, whereas a Julia union is a proper set union. Pragmatically, that means that in std::variant<int, int>
, you can distinguish between a "left int" and a "right int", but a Union{Int, Int}
really is just an Int
. There's no way to tell which "side" it came from. To emulate the exact tagged union behavior, you'll need to make some custom structs to represent each case.
struct LeftInt
value :: Int
struct RightInt
value :: Int
function func(x::Union{LeftInt, RightInt})
# ... Check whether x is a LeftInt or not ...
but, in Julia, you often don't need this, and if you do then it's generally smarter to work with generic functions to do your dispatching anyway.