I have the following SPARQL query on a Owl Ontology, using Jena:
SELECT ?label ?distance
?wpt rdf:type inav:Waypoint .
?wpt inav:Label ?label .
?ac rdf:type inav:Aircraft .
?ac inav:Label "myAircraft" .
?wpt inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom .
?geom inav:asWKT ?wkt .
?ac inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom2 .
?geom2 inav:asWKT ?wkt2 .
BIND (geof:distance(?wkt, ?wkt2, <http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/OGC/1.0/nauticalMile>) as ?distance)
ORDER BY ASC(?distance )
The idea is that:
called "myAircraft"Waypoint
using GeoSPARQLWaypoint
, and it's distance to the "myAircraft" Aircraft
This query works without any problem.
Now I am adding a custom vocabulary using Jena FunctionFactory
. In my case I want to retrieve in real time the visibility of the meteo in meters at the position of the waypoint (to take an example). In order to do that, I created a custom vocabulary with one visibility
word. It has only one argument which is the Label
of the Waypoint
in my case.
I then changed my query as following:
SELECT ?label ?distance ?visibility
?wpt rdf:type inav:Waypoint .
?wpt inav:Label ?label .
?ac rdf:type inav:Aircraft .
?ac inav:Label "myAircraft" .
?wpt inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom .
?geom inav:asWKT ?wkt .
?ac inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom2 .
?geom2 inav:asWKT ?wkt2 .
BIND (geof:distance(?wkt, ?wkt2, <http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/OGC/1.0/nauticalMile>) as ?distance)
BIND (my:visibility(?wpt) as ?visibility)
ORDER BY ASC(?distance )
It also works without any problem, but I remarked in my Debugger that the Java visibility
function is called for every Waypoint
in the Ontology, not only the closest one. If I have a lot of waypoints, I will have to call my Java function for Waypoint
, when ideally I would like to do that for only one of them, the closest one.
Is there a way to do that to speed-up this query? (the idea is that in real-life I would call a meteo service for my Waypoint, but I do not want to do that for every Waypoint
, but only the one I found in my query).
Per the very informative answer of UninformedUser:
SELECT ?label ?distance ?visibility
{SELECT ?label ?distance
?wpt rdf:type inav:Waypoint .
?wpt inav:Label ?label .
?ac rdf:type inav:Aircraft .
?ac inav:Label "myAircraft" .
?wpt inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom .
?geom inav:asWKT ?wkt .
?ac inav:hasExactGeometry ?geom2 .
?geom2 inav:asWKT ?wkt2 .
BIND (geof:distance(?wkt, ?wkt2, <http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/OGC/1.0/nauticalMile>) as ?distance)
} ORDER BY ASC(?distance ) LIMIT 1
} BIND (my:visibility(?wpt) as ?visibility)