I don't use is so often. So that is why I ask this question.
But apparently it is not possible in C# to just do a simple comparison with objects. So of course I googled first, but I only found very redundant solutions. And I know that you can can by javascript serialize the objects and then back to strings and then compare the properties with each other.
Because I just want to compare two simple objects - if the value of the properties are the same. So I have this:
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public Person()
public bool IsEqualTo(Person compareTo)
return (FirstName == compareTo.FirstName && LastName == compareTo.LastName);
public static bool AreEqual<AnyType>(AnyType mass1, AnyType mass2) where AnyType : IComparable<AnyType>
return mass1.CompareTo(mass2) == 0;
public Person(string lastName, string firstName)
this.FirstName = firstName;
this.LastName = lastName;
But then I can't use the AreEqual method like this:
var person = new Person("Niels","Engelen");
var person99 = new Person("Niels", "Engelen")
var equals = Person.AreEqual(person, person99);
And so:
var equals = person.CompareTo(person99);
This of course doesn't work.
So only this works then?
public bool IsEqualTo(Person compareTo)
return (FirstName == compareTo.FirstName && LastName == compareTo.LastName);
Than the output of:
var equals = person.IsEqualTo(person99);
will be true.
But then you have to compare every property.
So is there no short method for comparing objects?
Thank you.
Very strange that in such a huge language like C# you don't have a method where you can compare Objects for equality.
I searched some more and I found that you do it with records:
var record1 = new Person.Hello("Niels", "Engelen");
var record2 = new Person.Hello("Niels", "Engelen");
var equalRecords = record1 == record2;
Console.WriteLine("Records " + equalRecords);
Even in Javascript you can compare complex objects the easy way.
You can use reflection to loop over all properties of your class and compare them:
public bool IsEqualTo(Person other)
foreach(var prop in typeof(Person).GetProperties())
var value1 = prop.GetValue(this);
var value2 = prop.GetValue(other);
return false;
return true;
If you add or remove any properties, you won't have to modify your IsEqualTo
method. The downside of this approach is that refelction has typically a low performance. If you do a lot of comparisions, this might not be a good solutions.