I am working on an accounting application, My users don't want to touch mouse at all as it will decrease their speed...So focusing is very important in the application. I am using a datagrid to display some data, what they want is as soon as the window is loaded and data filled in the datagrid they should be able to move around in the data-grid by using arrow keys and invoe a command by pressing Enter...i.e, The keyboard focus should be at the first row or first cell. I have tried almost everything but nothing seems to work here, right now they have to press TAB once to go inside the data-grid even if the the last row is shown as selected in the window I mean last row gets selected but in order to moce up and down in the datagrid they have to press TAB once....I dnot understand what is the problem here...here is the code I am using in loaded event of Windows to set the UI:
dataGrid1.SelectedIndex = dataGrid1.Items.Count -1;
dataGrid1.CurrentItem = dataGrid1.SelectedItem;
Set SelectedIndex="0"
for the DataGrid
and subsribe to the Loaded
event. In the event handler you move the focus to the first row/cell by calling MoveFocus
<DataGrid ...
Code behind event handler
private void DataGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
DataGrid dataGrid = sender as DataGrid;
dataGrid.MoveFocus(new TraversalRequest(FocusNavigationDirection.Next));