Dipping a toe into JavaScript. After C, C++ and Python, JavaScript is like wild west. Can someone explain why do I get the output that doesn't make any sense:
var a = 5;
var b = 10;
function foo(strings, ...values) {
let a = values[0];
let b = values[1];
return `Sum ${a + b} Product ${a * b} Division ${b / a}`;
console.log(foo`Num1 ${a + 10} Num2 ${b * 2} Num3 ${b / a}`);
The output: Sum 35 Product 300 Division 1.3333333333333333
The values presented to you in the function are the following:
let strings = ['Num1 ', ' Num2 ', ' Num3 ', ''];
let values = [15, 20, 2]; // a+10, b*2, b/a
You are returning:
`Sum ${15 + 20} Product ${15 * 20} Division ${15 / 20}`
This is expected as it evalulated the templates and then ran them inside the tag as well.