I’m programmatically creating multiple house images that look like this:
I'm doing this by simply iterating through a loop which:
To get some variety going, I’m also programmatically changing the colors of each house at each iteration by simply looking up color-schemes from an Array of color-schemes I created.
All this works great.
But what I’m struggling with is getting my script to AUTOMATICALLY DOWNLOAD each newly created House ".PNG" file to my hard-drive.
I’m trying to do this by creating an ANCHOR <a>
tag for each of my canvas/PNG’s and then calling the “.click()”
method on each (code is below) - but it’s not working.
Chrome is giving me this error:
And Firefox gives me this error:
Any idea what needs to be done here?
My code is below.
Here's the basic House SVG:
<svg id="HOUSE" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="240.26" height="311.24" viewBox="0 0 240.26 311.24">
.roof-class, .window-class, .door-class {
stroke: #000;
stroke-miterlimit: 10;
<g id="House">
<rect class="house-class" x="30.08" y="131.74" width="173.07" height="179"/>
<path d="M270,242V420H98V242H270m1-1H97V421H271V241Z" transform="translate(-67.39 -109.76)"/>
<polygon id="Roof" class="roof-class" points="1.11 131.74 239.11 131.74 117.11 0.74 1.11 131.74"/>
<rect id="Window2" class="window-class" x="145.11" y="160.74" width="30" height="42"/>
<rect id="Window1" class="window-class" x="58.61" y="160.74" width="30" height="42"/>
<rect id="Door" class="door-class" x="92.11" y="228.74" width="52" height="82"/>
Then I have:
window.onload = function() {
alert("window.onload - yo!");
let svgHolder = document.getElementById("HOUSE");
console.log("'svgHolder' = ");
// console.log("DIR of 'svgHolder' = " + svgHolder );
svgHolder.onload = function() {
console.log("==> 'svgHolder.onload' --> 'TheHouse' has been loaded!!!");
const TOTAL_IMAGES = 10;
const canvasWidth = 250;
const canvasHeight = 320;
var canvasX = 0;
var canvasY = 0;
var colorCounter = 0;
let houseColorSchemesArray = [
".house-class": "fuchsia",
".door-class": "darkblue",
".window-class": "yellow",
".roof-class": "maroon"
".house-class": "gold",
".door-class": "purple",
".window-class": "pink",
".roof-class": "crimson"
".house-class": "lightblue",
".door-class": "darkslategray",
".window-class": "lightgreen",
".roof-class": "darkred"
} ,
".house-class": "blue",
".door-class": "orange",
".window-class": "pink",
".roof-class": "lime"
let classNamesToPaintArray = [".house-class", ".door-class", ".window-class", ".roof-class"];
// SVG Template:
let houseSVG = document.getElementById("HOUSE");
// var loadedImageCount = 0;
var masterHouseImagesArray = [];
function designOneHouse(theCanvas) {
console.log("= =>>In 'designOneHouse()'!\n");
let context = theCanvas.getContext("2d");
// Now GET-AT and PAINT the Individual SVG Components.
// 1. Iterate through the Array containing all the CLASS-NAMES who's color I want to change.
// 2. For each of these classes, I'll need to iterate through all the HTML elements that are OF that class type
// (there may be like 10 elements that are all styled by the same Style; I want all of them to be updated!)
let colorScheme = houseColorSchemesArray[colorCounter];
console.log("==>>Current 'colorScheme' = ");
console.log("\n\nNOW Going into a 'forEach' loop!");
classNamesToPaintArray.forEach(className => {
console.log("==>>In 'forEach', current 'className' = " + className);
let elementsArray = houseSVG.querySelectorAll(className);
elementsArray.forEach(element => element.style.fill = colorScheme[className]);
var imageData = houseSVG.outerHTML;
var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window;
var img = new Image();
var svg = new Blob([imageData], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8' });
var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svg);
img.onload = function () {
context.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// Now ADD this new House Image to the 'masterHouseImagesArray':
console.log("\n >>>'masterHouseImagesArray' now has " + masterHouseImagesArray.length + " images in it." );
if(masterHouseImagesArray.length == TOTAL_IMAGES) {
alert("ALL IMAGES ACCOUNTED FOR!!! \n>Going to make ANCHOR TAGS NOW!!!");
img.src = url;
// Iterate the ColorCounter - making sure we don't overflow the ColorsArrays:
if(colorCounter == houseColorSchemesArray.length) {
colorCounter = 0;
console.log("\n\nEXITING 'designOneHouse()'!\n");
Finally, I have this:
function makeCanvasGrid() {
console.log("\n\n====>In 'makeCanvasGrid()'!\n");
for(var canvasCounter = 0; canvasCounter < TOTAL_IMAGES; canvasCounter++) {
console.log("\n >FOR LOOP - canvasCounter = " + canvasCounter);
// 1. Create a new Canvas Object:
let newCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
newCanvas.setAttribute("width", canvasWidth);
newCanvas.setAttribute("height", canvasHeight);
newCanvas.setAttribute("id", "newCanvas" + canvasCounter);
// Log-out just to verify the "id" property was set correctly:
console.log(" >newCanvas.id = " + newCanvas.id);
// 2. Place the Canvas at (x,y) (top, left) coordinates:
newCanvas.style.backgroundColor = "lightblue";
newCanvas.style.position = "absolute";
newCanvas.style.left = canvasX + "px";
newCanvas.style.top = canvasY + "px";
// Check the current Canvas' (X, Y) coords, and if needed, reset X to 0 and SKIP to
// the next "ROW" of Canvasses:
if(canvasCounter > 0 && canvasCounter % 3 == 0) {
console.log(" >>NEXT ROW PLEASE!!!! canvasCount = ", canvasCounter);
canvasX = 0;
canvasY += canvasHeight + 20;
else {
canvasX += canvasWidth + 10;
console.log("\n >Increasing 'canvasX' to:" + canvasX);
function createAnchorTags() {
console.log("==>>In 'createAnchorTags()'!");
for(anchorTagsCounter = 0; anchorTagsCounter < TOTAL_IMAGES; anchorTagsCounter++) {
// 1. CREATE a new HTML "a" (anchor) TAG/Element and give it an ID:
let newAnchorTag = document.createElement("a");
newAnchorTag.id = "anchorTag#" + anchorTagsCounter;
// 2. ASSIGN a value to its "href" property:
newAnchorTag.href = masterHouseImagesArray[anchorTagsCounter].src;
console.log("\n >newAnchorTag.href = " + newAnchorTag.href);
// 3. ASSIGN a value to its "download" property:
newAnchorTag.download = "PunkPass#" + anchorTagsCounter;
// 4. APPEND this newly created ANCHOR tag/element to the page:
console.log(" ... ... ....");
console.log(" ->'newAnchorTag' created!");
console.log(" >'newAnchorTag.id' = " + newAnchorTag.id);
Would appreciate any and all help. Thanks!
If I understand you correctly, you should take a closer look at FileSaver.js - a convenient library for downloading files generated on the client. There is even an example of saving canvas in png file.