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One-to-Many Unidirectional Parent-Child ID Cascade Save

When trying to save an ID from my parent class into a child class, I keep getting the error "ERROR - Field 'parent_id' doesn't have a default value"

I have tried all types of mappings. I am using annotations.

Any help on this would be appreciated


      private long id;
      private String description;
      @Cascade(value= {org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.SAVE_UPDATE, org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType.DELETE})
      private List<Child> children;


  private long id;
  private String description;



  • You must have something wrong somewhere else because those mappings will work the way they are. They could be better, but they'll work. Specifically, all the @Column annotations are redundant and unnecessary, and as non sequitor noted, you should use the cascade property of JPA's @OneToMany instead of Hibernate's @Cascade. I've created a runnable example with the cleaned-up version of what you posted. If you have git and maven, you can run it with:

    git clone git:// tmp
    cd tmp
    mvn -q compile exec:java \
        -Dexec.mainClass=rds.hibernate.UnidirectionalManyToOneJoinColumn \
        -pl hibernate-unidirectional-one-to-many-with-join-column

    It creates a parent with two children, saves them, and then loads them and prints out the graph. The output is:

    Creating parent with two children
    Loading saved parent
    Parent{description='parent', children=[Child{description='child 2'}, Child{description='child 1'}]}