I’m trying to set up the Conway's Game of Life using Phaser.
My question is this: how can I make a Rectangular
of the Phaser.geom
class contain a click event?
Class Dots:
import 'phaser';
const COLOUR_ALIVE = 0xffffff;
const COLOUR_DEAD = 0x00000;
export class Dots extends Phaser.Geom.Rectangle {
public alive: number;
public fillColor: number;
public id: string;
constructor(scene, x, y, width, height, alive, id?) {
super(x, y, width, height);
this.alive = alive;
if(this.alive == 1){
this.fillColor = COLOUR_ALIVE;
} else {
this.fillColor = COLOUR_DEAD;
this.id = id;
public isAlive():boolean{
return (this.alive == 1);
public returnAliveValue():number{
return this.alive;
public getFillColor(): number{
return this.fillColor;
public dead(){
this.alive = 0;
this.fillColor = COLOUR_DEAD;
public setAlive(){
this.alive = 1;
this.fillColor = COLOUR_ALIVE;
public click(pointer, gameobject){
console.log(pointer, gameobject);
Class Game:
import 'phaser';
import {Dots} from './classes/Dots'
const square_size = 10;
const pixel_height = 600;
const pixel_width = 800;
const DOTS = 100;
export default class Demo extends Phaser.Scene
private alives: Dots[] = [];
private graphics:Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics = null;
public timeElapsed: number;
public maxTime: number;
public cont = 0;
constructor ()
this.timeElapsed = 0;
this.maxTime = 1;
preload ()
draw () {
this.graphics = this.add.graphics();
//Afegim les fitxes vives
let pointer = this.input.activePointer;
this.alives.forEach((rectangle:Dots) => {
this.graphics.fillStyle(rectangle.getFillColor(), 1);
hitArea: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 22, 27, 29),
hitAreaCallback: Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains,
useHandCursor: true
}, (evt, geom) => {
console.log(evt, geom);
destroy(obj:Phaser.GameObjects.Graphics) {
intersects(object1:Dots, object2:Dots){
let x = object1.x;
let y = object1.y;
let intersects = false;
if(object2.x == x - square_size && y == object2.y){
//Bloque izquierda
intersects = true;
} else if( object2.x == x + square_size && y == object2.y){
//Bloque derecha
intersects = true;
if(object2.y == y - square_size && x == object2.x){
//Bloque superior
intersects = true;
} else if(object2.y == y + square_size && x == object2.x){
//Bloque inferior
intersects = true;
if(object2.x == x - square_size && object2.y == y - square_size){
// Bloque izquierda superior
intersects = true;
} else if (object2.x == x - square_size && object2.y == y + square_size){
// Bloque izquierda inferior
intersects = true;
if(object2.x == x + square_size && object2.y == y - square_size){
// Bloque derecha superior
intersects = true;
} else if (object2.x == x + square_size && object2.y == y + square_size){
// Bloque derecha inferior
intersects = true;
return intersects;
this.alives.forEach((x) => {
if(x.alive == 1){
let intersections = 0;
this.alives.forEach((y) => {
if(x != y){
let intersects = this.intersects(x, y);
intersections ++;
if(intersections == 2 || intersections == 3){
if(intersections >= 3){
} else{
//fichas muertas
let intersections = 0;
this.alives.forEach((y) => {
if(x != y){
let intersects = this.intersects(x, y);
intersections ++;
if(intersections == 3){
let dot_intersect = null;
this.alives.forEach((x, index) => {
if(x.x == object_search.x && x.y == object_search.y){
dot_intersect = x;
return dot_intersect;
create ()
let positions = [
// {x: pixel_width/2 - square_size, y: pixel_height/2, alive:1, id:'left'},
// {x: pixel_width/2 + square_size, y: pixel_height/2, alive:1, id:'right'},
// {x: pixel_width/2, y: pixel_height/2, alive:1, id:'center'},
// {x: pixel_width/2, y: pixel_height/2 - square_size, alive:1, id:'up'},
// {x: pixel_width/2, y: pixel_height/2 + square_size, alive:1, id:'down'},
// //borders
// //left
// {x: pixel_width/2 - square_size, y: pixel_height/2 - square_size, alive: 1, id:'left_up'},
// {x: pixel_width/2 - square_size, y: pixel_height/2 + square_size, alive: 1, id:'left_down'},
// //right
// {x: pixel_width/2 + square_size, y: pixel_height/2 - square_size, alive:0, id:'right_up'},
// {x: pixel_width/2 + square_size, y: pixel_height/2 + square_size, alive:0, id:'right_down'},
for(let i = 0; i < pixel_width; i+=10){
for(let j = 0; j < pixel_height; j+=10){
positions.push({x: i, y: j, alive:0, id:`${i}-${j}`});
positions.forEach((obj) => {
this.alives.push(new Dots(this, obj.x, obj.y, square_size, square_size, obj.alive, obj.id));
for(let i = 0; i <= DOTS; i++){
let random_length = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.alives.length - 1 + 1) + 1);
let dot = this.alives[random_length];
update(time: number, delta: number): void {
let deltaInSecond = delta/1000; // convert it to second
this.timeElapsed = this.timeElapsed + deltaInSecond;
if(this.timeElapsed >= this.maxTime) // if the time elapsed already more than 1 second
// this.maxTime = 1200;
this.timeElapsed = 0;
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
backgroundColor: '#000000',
width: pixel_width,
height: pixel_height,
render: {
pixelArt: true
scale: {
mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH
scene: Demo
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
You are setting interactive on the graphics
serveral time, it the forEach-loop. I think this can be done only once, so you are overriding it, but I'm no expert.
I would set the interactivity once, for the whole region:
this.graphics.setInteractive({ useHandCursor: true,
hitArea: new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, pixel_width, pixel_height),
hitAreaCallback: Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains,
And than in the "click event" select the Rectangle/Dot
this.graphics.on( 'pointerdown', function(){
// ...
To get the Rectangle/Dot clicked, there are many ways, here is one:
this.graphics.on( 'pointerdown', function(pointer){
let selected = this.alives.find( point => Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains( new
Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(point.x, point.y, point.width, point.height), pointer.worldX, pointer.worldY
console.log('pointerover', pointer, selected);
}, this);
I would add the graphics
once in the create
create () {
// ...
this.graphics = this.add.graphics();
// ...
this.graphics.on('pointerdown', () => {
// ...
and in the draw method just clear the graphics-object.
draw () {
// ...