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Is it possible to automate .Net assembly versioning using semantic-release?

I have a C# solution containing a single project and multiple libraries using .Net 6. I'm using conventional commits (commitlint with husky) and want to use semantic-release to deploy the latest build as a ZIP file on Github based on the commit messages.

The setup I tried for C# projects:

  • Install packages


npm install semantic-release -D
npm install @semantic-release/changelog -D
npm install @semantic-release/npm -D
npm install @semantic-release/github -D
npm install @semantic-release/git -D
  • Create a .releaserc.json file inside the root directory


  "plugins": [
        "assets": [
            "path": "",
            "label": "my-project-${nextRelease.gitTag}.zip",
            "name": "my-project-${nextRelease.gitTag}.zip"
  • Inside the package.json file set the key version to 0.0.0-development, set the key private to true and add a repository url
  • Create a release-on-push-on-main-branch.yml file inside the workflows directory


name: Release on push on main branch
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Setup Node
        uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 16.x

      - name: Install Node dependencies
        run: npm install
      - name: Setup .Net
        uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v1
          dotnet-version: '6.0.x'
      - name: Install .Net dependencies
        run: dotnet restore ./SolutionDir
      - name: Run build
        run: dotnet build ./SolutionDir
      - name: Run publish
        run: dotnet publish ./SolutionDir
      - name: Rename publish directory of MyProject to my-project and move it to root
        run: mv ./SolutionDir/MyProject/bin/Debug/net6.0 ./my-project
      - name: ZIP my-project directory
        run: zip -r my-project
      - name: Release
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        run: npx semantic-release --branches main

It seems to work, whenever I push to the main branch it will deploy the distribution (containing the DLL) with the latest version to the Github releases.

But as you know semantic-release does not release the correct package version because it doesn't know about the assembly version yet. It takes the version from the package.json file.

What I want to achieve:

  • When making changes in libraries or apps inside the solution it should automatically increase their assembly versions based on the conventional commits. But obviously just if that project was modified.
  • When running the release process semantic-release should release the project with "name": "my-project-${assembly-version}.zip"

Is there something I can use?


  • You could dry-run semantic-release before dotnet publish to fetch the version number of the release (using the @semantic-release/exec plugin). Then pass this fetched version number to dotnet publish:

    Add the @semantic-release/exec plugin to your npm install commands and adjust your .releaserc.json file to store the next release version (for example in an environment variable):

       "plugins": [
           { verifyReleaseCmd: 'echo RELEASE_VERSION=\${nextRelease.version} >> $GITHUB_ENV' }

    Insert the dry run before the dotnet publish and adjust the dotnet publish step:

    - name: Fetch release version
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
      run: npx semantic-release --branches main --dry-run
    - name: Run publish
      run: dotnet publish ./SolutionDir -p:Version=${{ env.RELEASE_VERSION }}

    Note: instead of your Rename publish directory of MyProject to my-project and move it to root step, you could simply use the -o param of the dotnet publish command.