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textarea javascript debug result to innerHTML paragraph "undefined"

I am doing a code editor, almost everything is working, I type the text in the texarea and press a button to load a function, and the result of the code appears on the web browser console, I am trying to do like "document.getElementById('output').innerhtml = window.eval(txtarea.value);" But it does not seem to work.

  function DebugInp(){
           var txtarea = document.getElementById('input');
           document.getElementById('output').innerHTML =  window.eval(txtarea.value);//output = paragraph in html.
*My problem is that the innerHTML is showing undefined, but when I'm getting to console,
*it appears the result.
*I'm thinking of maybe getting all of the outputs of the console, but IDK how to do it
*Kind of like: document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = console.logs?
*I am still searching but any help would be nice.

thanks in advance! PS: I am better at frontend dev, trying to understand more of backend so don't hate 🙂 please.


  • OH!!! i did it guys! Just create a new standard function for console.log so it stores every logs i found the answer right here:

      console.stdlog = console.log.bind(console);
            console.logs = [];
            console.log = function(){
            console.stdlog.apply(console, arguments);
             var txtarea = document.getElementById('input');
               document.getElementById('output').innerHTML =  console.logs;

    GG! Have an great day everyone!🎊🎉🥳