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Build swagger-ui from open-api.yml

I'm trying to generate interfaces from Open-API specification and I have a Gradle plugin:


def apiFile = "$rootDir/src/main/resources/openapi/api.yml"

task buildOpenApi(type: GenerateTask) {
    generatorName = "spring"
    inputSpec = apiFile
    outputDir = "$buildDir/generated"
    groupId = "$"
    id = "$"
    version = "$project.version"
    apiPackage = ""
    modelPackage = ""
    configOptions = [
            interfaceOnly: "true",
            openApiNullable: "false",
            skipDefaultInterface: "true"
    globalProperties = [
            apis: "",
            models: ""
    enablePostProcessFile = true
    skipOverwrite = false

compileJava.dependsOn(buildOpenApi) = ['build/generated/src','src/main/java']

And have an api.yml file that is located in src/main/resources/openapi/api.yml. When I run ./gradlew clean compileJava, it generates me correct interfaces to the build directory, so I can implement them. But when I launch my application and go to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html I see swagger automatically generated from my controller classes, but not from api.yml file - I mean, it doesn't have any descriptions, examples and so on

How to make swagger built from my api.yml file, not from controller source code?


  • The correct way is not to expect swagger from implemented interfaces, but build it from api.yml file. This config in application.yml helped me:

        enabled: false
        path: /api-docs
        disable-swagger-default-url: true
        url: /api.yml
        path: /api-docs

    Now swagger available at localhost:8080/api-docs