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make all <b-collapse> non visible in child.vue when button is clicked in parent

I'm working with BootstrapVue.

I have following situation: I have a parent.vue and a child.vue. In my parent.vue I have a v-for where I can create multiple Buttons. Each of these is triggering a b-collapse in my child.vue and each of this has multiple b-collapse as well. (see Code)

Now I need to do following: I want to close all of my b-collapse inside my child.vue when my b-collapse in my parent.vue will be closed. But I could not figure out how to do that.. (they should be closed as well when I reopen my parent.vue-collapse)

I have reduced my code to the minimum. But just for additional info I will do this.inputs.push[{id: +=1}] each time adding a new Item or Element. So each of them has an unique id.

Hopefully someone can help me out!



<div v-for="item in inputs" :key="">
  <b-button v-b-toggle="'NewItem'"></b-button>


<b-button @click="addNewItem()"></b-button>


<b-collapse visible :id="'NewItem' +">  //Here i need a solution
  <div v-for="element in inputs" :key="">
    <b-button v-b-toggle="'Element' +"></b-button>
    <b-collapse :id="'Element' +>
      <div>Here is Element {{}}</div>

  <b-button @click="addElement()"></b-button>

EDIT - Full Code:


<div class="container">
  <div v-for="(item, index) in inputs" :key="">
    <b-button v-b-toggle="'NewItem'" @click="closeAll()">Item {{index + 1}}</b-button>

  <Child :idParent="" :closeAllProducts="closeAllProducts" />

  <b-button @click="addNewItem()">Add new Item</b-button>


import Child from "./components/child.vue"

export default {

  components: {

  data() {
    return {
      closeAllProducts: true,
      id: 1,
      inputs: [{
        id: 1,

  methods: {
    addNewItem() {
      this.inputs.push({id: += 1})

    closeAll() {
      this.closeAllProducts = false;


  <b-collapse :visible="closeAllProducts" :id="'NewItem'">  
    <div v-for="(element, index) in inputs" :key="">
      <b-button v-b-toggle="'Element' +"></b-button>
      <b-collapse :id="'Element' +">
        <div>Here is Element {{index + 1}}</div>

    <b-button @click="addElement()">Add new Element</b-button>

export default {
  props: ["idParent", "closeAllProducts"],

  data() {
    return {
      id: 1,
      inputs: [{
        id: 1,

  methods: {
    addElement() {
      this.inputs.push({id: += 1})

NEW EDIT: Added closeAllProducts - If I'm clicking my button in my parent.vue it should trigger the function to change the boolean to **false**. But when I use it like this all elements in every item will be non visible.. I need to pass a parameter with it but I could not figure out how..


  • One solution is to create a child prop that collapses its b-collapse elements, and have the parent control that prop:

    1. Create a Boolean prop named collapsed in the child:

      // child.vue
      export default {
        props: {
          collapsed: Boolean
    2. In addElement(), insert a visible prop to match the b-collapse's visible prop. We'll bind each item's visible to the corresponding b-collapse prop. Note we use b-collapse's v-model to bind its visible prop, which keeps the item's visible prop in sync with the actual visibility state.

      <!-- child.vue -->
      export default {
        data() {
          return {
            inputs: [
                id: 1,
                visible: false,
              },  👆
        methods: {
          addElement() {
            this.inputs.push({ id:, visible: false })
          }                                      👆
        ⋮                              👇
        <b-collapse v-model="element.visible" ⋯>
           <div>Here is Element {{ index + 1 }}</div>
    3. Add a watcher on the collapsed prop in the child. This watcher will set each element's visible prop to false only when collapsed is true:

      // child.vue
      export default {
        watcher: {
          collapsed(collapsed) {
            if (collapsed) {
              this.inputs.forEach(input => input.visible = false)
    4. To ensure each element's ID is globally unique in the context of the parents, incorporate the parent ID into the child IDs:

      <!-- child.vue -->
      <div v-for="(element, index) in inputs" :key="">
        <b-button v-b-toggle="'Element' + idParent + '.' +" ⋯>
          ⋯                                   👆
        <b-collapse :id="'Element' + idParent + '.' +" ⋯>
          ⋯                             👆
    5. In the parent's addNewItem(), add a collapsed property. We'll bind each child's collapsed prop to this new property, and toggle it upon a button-click:

      <!-- parent.vue -->
      export default {
        data() {
          return {
            inputs: [
                id: 1,
                collapsed: false,
              },  👆
        methods: {
          addNewItem() {
            this.inputs.push({ id:, collapsed: false })
          }                                      👆
        <div v-for="(item, index) in inputs" :key="">
          <b-button @click="item.collapsed = !item.collapsed">
            ⋯                       👆
          <Child :idParent="" :collapsed="item.collapsed" />
        </div>                                          👆
