I have a declarative pipeline for multibranch pipeline job, and I am interested in creating a cron trigger to it. Currently I already have cron trigger on it for master branch using the following cron string:
String cron_string = BRANCH_NAME == "master" ? '30 23 * * *' : ""
I am interested in modifying the cron string so the cron would be triggered when branch name is master or if branch name contains the string release
I Wondered how can I achieve this would appreciate your help. Thanks in advance, Alon
def no_cron = ""
def some_cron = "30 23 * * *"
CRON_DATA = no_cron
if (BRANCH_NAME == "master" || BRANCH_NAME.contains("release")) {
CRON_DATA = some_cron
pipeline {
agent any
triggers {
cron (CRON_DATA)