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How to append String to StringBuffer variable in JAVA

My code is as below. i need to add single quotes for each word in string with single quotes after appending DD to it.

public class Main
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String ChkboxIds = "'a1b2c3','321cba','123abc'";
        String checkBoxId = null;
        String checkId = null;
        StringBuilder checkIDS = new StringBuilder("'");
        for(int i=0;i<=ChkboxIds.split(ChkboxIds, ',').length;i++){
            checkBoxId = "DD"+ChkboxIds.split(",")[i].replace("'","")+","+checkBoxId;
            checkId = checkBoxId.substring(0, checkBoxId.length() - 5);
            for(int j=0;j<i;j++){

I have tried using StringBuffer too. please point your answers here. The output i get is some junk data while i need the words with dd attached at the start.

Expected output:'DDa1b2c3','DD321cba','DD123abc'


  • Problem

    • issue at .append(checkId.split(",")) where you append an String[] so it's representation is it's hashcode

    • don't need a second loop, each word need one loop round, no inner loop needed

    • your split is wrong, you need ChkboxIds.split(","), you don't need with the same string as delimiter


    You can do much more simpler than that

    • split on comma
    • remove quotes, append DD, add quotes
    • save at same place in array
    • join array with comma
    String chkboxIds = "'a1b2c3','321cba','123abc'";
    String[] splitted = chkboxIds.split(",");
    String checkBoxId;
    for (int i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
        checkBoxId = "DD" + splitted[i].replace("'", "");
        splitted[i] = "'" + checkBoxId + "'";
    String result = String.join(",", splitted);
    // 'DDa1b2c3','DD321cba','DD123abc'

    Regex power

    String chkboxIds = "'a1b2c3','321cba','123abc'";
    String result = chkboxIds.replaceAll("'(\\w+)'", "'DD$1'");