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Output CSV file and net user command not aligned with PS command

Below I have a PS command to get some useful user info. I want also have the input from a csv file with PC names. How can I give everything the same format?

The colon after PC name is not the same as I've got from the output from get-aduser. Can someone advise me what to do?

Example of what I've got

do {

write-Host " Enter the user ID: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
$UserName = Read-Host
Write-Host ""

Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Properties * |  Select-Object  DisplayName,  mail, LastLogonDate, LastBadPasswordAttempt, AccountExpirationDate, PasswordLastSet , OfficePhone, Department, Manager

$Processes = Import-CSV 'C:\Users\w0vlnd\Desktop\Powershells\Computers in a specific workgroup or domain.csv'
$processes | where "User ID" -like $Username | Select-Object "PC name" 

net user $Username /domain | find "Password expires" 
net user $Username /domain | find "Password changeable" 
write-host "`n"

} while ($Username -notcontains $Processes)


  • You can construct an object that merges the AD User with the information coming from your CSV and the information from net user. Here is an example of how you can approach it:

    $csv = Import-CSV 'path\to\csvhere.csv'
    $ADprops = @(
    $filter = @(
            Name = 'PC Name'
            Expression = { $pcName }
        }, @{
            Name = 'Password Changeable'
            Expression = { $changeable }
        }, @{
            Name = 'Password Expires'
            Expression = { $expires }
        Write-Host " Enter the user ID: " -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline
        $UserName = Read-Host
        Write-Host ""
        $pcName = $csv.Where({ $_."User ID" -match $Username })."PC Name"
        $expires, $changeable = net user $Username /domain |
        Select-String -Pattern 'Password Changeable|Password Expires' |
        ForEach-Object { ($_ -split '\s{2,}')[1] }
        Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Properties $ADprops |
        Select-Object $filter
    } while ($csv.'User ID' -notcontains $Username)