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Merging non-blank cells with blank cells below

I have a worksheet with the following layout:

Column title
              <- blank cell 1
              <- blank cell 2   
              <- blank cell 3
              <- blank cell 4
              <- blank cell 5

I want to merge the blank cells along with the "data" right above.

For example:
"blank cell 1" and "blank cell 2" should be merged with cell Data1
"blank cell 3", "blank cell 4", and "blank cell 5" should be merged with cell Data4.

The end product should have the following layout:

Column title
              <- part of Data1, result of a merge
              <- part of Data1, result of a merge   
              <- part of Data4, result of another merge
              <- part of Data4, result of another merge
              <- part of Data4, result of another merge

I tried to probe where the merging should start by calculating an offset of the number of Data cells, then activate the cell right where the condition ActiveCell.Value <> "" becomes false.
I realized that I don't know how to change the location of the active cell, and if I keep using offsets, it would not work when I try to do a second merge, as the offset is a single selection.

Cell("C3").Activate      'C3 is the Column title
Dim offset As Variant

While True:
    offset = 0
    While (ActiveCell.Value <> ""):    'I am trying to skip over the cells with contents
        offset = offset + 1
    ' Here, ActiveCell.offset(offset - 1, 0) should give me the Data cell that I should merge with the blank cells below (to be calculated with a second loop), but I'm not sure how to make that cell the active cell.


  • Merge any blank cell found with the cell above it.

        Dim i As Long
        Dim lr As Long
        Dim lastdata As Long
        With Sheets("Sheet1")'Change to your sheet name
            lr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
            For i = 2 To lr 
                If .Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then
                    .Range(.Cells(i, 1).Offset(-1), .Cells(i, 1)).Merge
                End If
            Next i
        End With