Im am currently building a Quarkus application and for unit testing I am using JUnit5. Currently I have no other option then using PowerMockito to mock my static functions but I cant seem to find the dependencies for it in my Quarkus project.
Does anyone know what the best set of dependecies should be used in a Quarkus app for PowerMockito with JUnit5?
I guess you don't need PowerMockito, just the capability to mock static methods. Since 2.7.x (released in 2017) Mockito community made an experimental library called mockito-inline
for mocking static methods or final classes. Some features (e.g. static method mocking) have already merged into mockito-core.
Additionally Quarkus has extension for Mockito.
Here is a working example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
Some utility class with static method
package io.github.zforgo;
public class SomeStaticClass {
public static String getSome() {
return "foo";
Test class
package io.github.zforgo;
import io.quarkus.test.junit.QuarkusTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class SomeStaticClassTest {
void nonMocked() {
assertEquals("foo", SomeStaticClass.getSome(), "Something went wrong");
void mocked() {
// try-with-resources is recommended in case of scoped (temporary) mocking
try (var mocked = Mockito.mockStatic(SomeStaticClass.class)) {
assertEquals("bar", SomeStaticClass.getSome(), "Something went wrong");