Okay so i'm trying to load up a bunch of profiles through C# and I keep getting this error when I try to start up the program.
Unhandled Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the boun
ds of the array.
at ConsoleApplication2.Program.loadAccounts()
at ConsoleApplication2.Program.Main(String[] args)
i've investigated and i think it has to do with the format of the accounts in the file i'm wondering what the proper way is, i've tried every way i can think of
here's the loading accounts method
private static void loadAccounts()
using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader("accounts.txt"))
string line = null;
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
String[] details = line.Split('\t');
accounts.Add(details[0] + ":" + details[1]);
the accounts.txt part is the part i'm unsure about, i thought it would be as follows username(tab)password like this
username password
however it gives the error shown above does anyone know what the proper account format should be?
You're getting an IndexOutOfRangeException, which suggests that details
only had a single entry - which means there wasn't a tab on that line.
I suggest you print out the line in question before splitting, so you can see which line is causing problems. Or possibly do it conditionally:
while ((line = tr.ReadLine()) != null)
String[] details = line.Split('\t');
if (details.Length == 1)
// Or log it, or whatever...
Console.WriteLine("Input error: no tab in line '{0}'", line);
accounts.Add(details[0] + ":" + details[1]);