I am currently programming a point system for players in my app. Since these points can get very large very quickly, I would like to have a system that converts a BigInteger into a better representation (see below).
1000 -> 1k
5555555 -> 5.55m
1000000000000000000 -> 1ab
units: k, m, b, t, aa, ab, ac ...
I really doesn't have anything yet, as I don't know where to start. I found this, but it's in C# and I don't really know how to convert it into java/kotlin.
Maybe someone can give me an entry point or just a a code snippet which does that? :D
sorry for the bad english
This is explicitly not a solution, but only a quick attempt to translate the code on gram.gs/gramlog/formatting-big-numbers-aa-notation to Kotlin:
import java.text.DecimalFormat
import kotlin.math.floor
import kotlin.math.log
import kotlin.math.pow
fun formatNumber(value: Double): String {
val charA = 'a'.code
val units = mapOf(
0 to "",
1 to "K",
2 to "M",
3 to "B",
4 to "T"
if (value < 1.0) {
return "0"
val n = log(value, 1000.0).toInt()
val m = value / 1000.0.pow(n)
var unit = "";
if (n < units.count()) {
unit = units[n]!!
} else {
val unitInt = n - units.count()
val secondUnit = unitInt % 26
val firstUnit = unitInt / 26
unit = (firstUnit + charA).toChar().toString() + (secondUnit + charA).toChar().toString()
return DecimalFormat("#.##").format(floor(m * 100) / 100) + unit