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Data getting stored using AsyncStorage only after 2-3 submit button clicks in react native

I am calling a function on press of a button, to store my data in local storage using AsyncStorage.

Below is my code to store data using AsyncStorage

const [saveData, setSaveData] = useState([]);

const _submit = async (text, photo) => {
  let newItem;
  newItem = {
    description: text,
    imageURL: photo,
  setSaveData(prevList => {
    prevList = prevList || [];
    if (prevList.length < 0) {
      return newItem;
    } else {
      return [...prevList, newItem];

const setLocalItem = async () => {
  AsyncStorage.setItem('test2', JSON.stringify(saveData))
    .then(json => console.log('success!'))
    .catch(error => console.log('error!'));

const getLocalItem = async () => {
  try {
    const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('test2');
    const list = JSON.parse(jsonValue);

    console.log('list: ', list);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log('error: ', e);

  onPress={() => {
    _submit (text, photo);

  onPress={() => {
  <Text>get item</Text>

My data is getting stored but only after I click save button multiple times. But in console I am getting success even when I click save button only once. But when I click on get item button, I am getting null in console if save is clicked only once.

I am not not sure why I have to click save multiple times to store my data.


  • You're updating the state incorrectly. And the new state will be available in the next render, so setLocalItem should be called after the state gets updated.

    const [saveData, setSaveData] = useState([]);
    // this effect updates the storage whenever `saveData` changes
    useEffect(() => {
        AsyncStorage.setItem('test2', JSON.stringify(saveData))
        .then(json => console.log('success!'))
        .catch(error => console.log('error!'));
    }, [saveData])
    const _submit = (text, photo) => {
      const newItem = {
        description: text,
        imageURL: photo,
      // no conditions are required here as the initial state is an array
      setSaveData(prevList => [...prevList, newItem]);
    const getLocalItem = async () => {
      try {
        const jsonValue = await AsyncStorage.getItem('test2');
        const list = JSON.parse(jsonValue);
        console.log('list: ', list);
      } catch (e) {
        console.log('error: ', e);