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Using a function to retrieve keys to put in a dataframe

I am using streamlit and pandas.

I am using a function which returns keys from a API dictionary imported from another .py file. The function does return the keys I want. However when I convert the function into a DataFrame with streamlit I get errors. Can anyone help? I want to show the data represented by the function usdMarket() as a dataframe. The last line returns the data in json format.

import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
from alt import bncQ

def usdMarket():
    for i in range (0, len(bncQ['symbols']), 1):
        if bncQ['symbols'][i]['quoteAsset']=='USD':



  • It's unclear if you have to use those libraries, but this takes the url provided and parses it down to USD.

    import requests
    import pandas as pd
    data = requests.get('').json()
    df = pd.DataFrame(data['symbols'])
    dfUSD = df[['symbol', 'quoteAsset']].loc[df['quoteAsset']=='USD']
           symbol quoteAsset
    0      BTCUSD        USD
    1      ETHUSD        USD
    2      XRPUSD        USD
    3      BCHUSD        USD
    4      LTCUSD        USD
    ..        ...        ...
    127   CTSIUSD        USD
    129    DOTUSD        USD
    131    YFIUSD        USD
    133  1INCHUSD        USD
    135    FTMUSD        USD
    [67 rows x 2 columns]