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Delete row i and next row in VBA

I'm looking to run a for loop which detects a zero value and deletes the specific rows. The trouble I am having is that the target column is merged cells (2no. rows merged).

The below code works, but only deletes the first of the two rows, leaving the other behind. How do I expand i to include the next row down?

Thanks in advance.

    Dim i As Long, Lr As Long
    Lr = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row

    For i = Lr To 1 Step -1
    If Range("O" & i).Value = "" Then GoTo NextI
    If Range("O" & i).Value = 0 And IsNumeric(Range("O" & i).Value) Then Rows(i).Delete

    Next i


  • Testing for Merge-ness

    If you have a mix of merged cells and unmerged cells you can test for merged-ness with the Range.MergeCells property.

    Referencing Merged Ranges

    The Range.MergeArea property will give you the full merged range from a single cell. So using Range.MergeArea.EntireRow.Delete will delete the all rows of your merged cell.

    Values from Merged Ranges:

    A common issue I run into is trying to test the value of a cell in a merged area and getting Empty or Blank values. This is because only the Top Left cell of a merged area actually holds a value, and the others are blank. For single cells .MergeArea returns itself even when not merged, so With a mix of merged and unmerged cells you can do Range.MergeArea.Cells(1).Value instead of Range.Value and not worry about testing for merge-ness. This will ensure you get the display value of a merged area instead of a blank.

    Here is your code with these ideas added in:

        Dim i As Long, Lr As Long
        Lr = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        For i = Lr To 1 Step -1
        Dim val As Variant
        With Range("O" & i)
            val = .MergeArea.Cells(1).Value
            If val = "" Then GoTo NextI
            If val = 0 And IsNumeric(val) Then .MergeArea.EntireRow.Delete
        End With
        Next i