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ProfileCredentialsProvider with Amazon SES and Spring Boot

I want to Send an Email with Amazon SES and SpringBoot, I have this config file:

public class MailConfig {

    public AmazonSimpleEmailService amazonSimpleEmailService() {

        return AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClientBuilder.standard()
                .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider("ses-smtp-user.2024321-167419"))

    public MailSender mailSender(
            AmazonSimpleEmailService amazonSimpleEmailService) {
        return new SimpleEmailServiceMailSender(amazonSimpleEmailService);

using the field IAM User name from the credentials:

enter image description here

but I have this error when starting the app:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No AWS profile named 'ses-smtp-user.20211221-172419'


  • The string you pass to ProfileCredentialsProvider() is a local profile name, that should be a name present in your local .aws/credentials file. You're trying to pass it an IAM user name, which is a totally different thing.

    First, I suggest you read the documentation.

    Second, I suggest you use environment variables instead of hard-coding any sort of credential settings in your code. You can either set the AWS_PROFILE environment variable, or set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables, and then your code would look like this:

    return AmazonSimpleEmailServiceClientBuilder.standard()

    And in addition to being cleaner and simpler code, it will also automatically use the environment's assigned IAM role when running on EC2, ECS, Lambda, etc..