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How can I make this Firestore query?

I'm a Firestore newbie and I need to make a query. I have this database structure:

  "businesses": {
    "1" : {
      "name": "bla",
      "employees": {
        "1" : {
          "name": "Juan",
          "schedules": {
            "1": {
              "scheduleId" : "72",
              "from": "21/08/2020"
        "schedules": {
          "72": {
            //some properties

Given a businessId and a scheduleId, I need to fetch all the business' employees having that scheduleId assigned.

I have tried this:

export async function getEmployeesWithSchedule(businessId: string, scheduleId: string): Promise<Employee[]> {
    const docs = (await admin.firestore().collection(`businesses/${businessId}/employees`)
         .where("schedules.scheduleId", "==", scheduleId)
   //extract results

But I'm geting no results. How should I make this query?


  • Try the following where clause. You should only get back docs where the schedules map contains a key-value-pair with key scheduleId and a non-null value:

    const docs = (await admin.firestore().collection(`businesses/${businessId}/employees`)
             .where(`schedules.${scheduleId}`, "!=", null)