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How does MySQL deal with plus sign in phone number?

I'm working on an app with MySQL database. I'm getting odd behavior with phone numbers that start with a plus sign e.g. +13215555555

The issue, of course, is that I'm using Google Firebase phone authentication for part of the project. Firebase stores phone numbers as +13215555555 (Country code plus phone number)

I'm easily able to push phone numbers with the + format to the database. What I'm unable to do is use a phone number with a plus sign to query the record.

Sample data:

id      user       phone            email 
1       Abe        +13215555555 
2       Beth       13215555556      [email protected] 
3       Charl      321-555-5557     [email protected] 

Data in:

const sql = " INSERT INTO `users` ( `user`, `phone`, `user_email` ) +
            " VALUES (?,?,?)";  
const dataReturn = await promisePool.execute(sql, dataArray); 

Any of the phone number formats above works great for inserting data into the database. The plus sign +3215555555 works great. And what I see above is what is observed in Adminer. The phone data field is structured as varchar(20).

Data Out:

What I'm unable to do is grab a user record via the phone number when the phone number starts with a plus sign.

const sql_ui = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `phone` = ? "
const data_return_ui = await promisePool.execute(sql_ui, [ph_string_value]) 

In this case, I'm unable to get any user result with the value of ph_string_value = "+13215555555" Do note, when I manually create a SQL statement

SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `phone` = +13215555555

I get exactly the expected results when tested in Adminer. What doesn't work is the query from my program with the ph_string_value with a leading plus sign in the contents. I get a null response to the data set. I'd like to understand the cause of this issue.

Why do queries using a phone number that start with a plus sign fail?

Note: When I do a console.log("ph_string_value: ", ph_string_value) immediately before the query, I do see "+13215555555" as expected..

I'm trying to build a simple reproducible issue, using just SQL...

    `user` varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    `phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
    `email` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`phone`),
    KEY `id` (`id`)
  ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=31 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8mb4 COLLATE=utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci

INSERT INTO `users_SO` ( `user`, `phone`, `email`) VALUES 
      ("Abe", "+13215555555", ""),
      ("Beth", "13215555556", "[email protected]"),
      ("Charl", "321-555-5557", "[email protected]")

SET @ph_string_value = "+13215555555" ;
# Verify the variable holds what we think it holds...
SELECT @ph_string_value as ph_string_value;
SELECT * FROM `users_SO` WHERE `phone` = @ph_string_value;

SET @ph_string_value2 = "13215555556"
# Verify the variable holds what we think it holds...
SELECT @ph_string_value2 as ph_string_value2;
SELECT * FROM `users_SO` WHERE `phone` = @ph_string_value2

Initially odd results at Adminer SQL tester. Not sure I understand how to use Their help screen isn't much help.

Update, now the SQl when tested in Adminer works great. No errors. When tested over at db-fiddle dot com/ I get an odd error:

Query Error: Error: ER_CANT_AGGREGATE_2COLLATIONS: Illegal mix of collations (utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_general_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation '='

Question: When setting up the database, which collation setup seems the most robust?


  • OOps. At one point I do pass the phone number in a fetch call to an internal API routing.

    async function get_user_info(ph_num) {
        try {
            let response = await fetch(
                ENV_OBJ.WEB_URL +
                    "/api/mysql_connect?getType=user_info&ph="+ph_num  <--  Fail
            let user = await response.json();
            if (response.ok) {
                console.log("user: ", user)
                return user;
        } catch (err) {
            console.log("error from get_user_info(): ", err);

    And yes, and on arrival at the API server, the plus sign has disappeared from the intended phone string value.

    The fix?

    ENV_OBJ.WEB_URL + "/api/mysql_connect?getType=user_info&ph="+encodeURIComponent(ph_num)