In a nutshell, to give you an example, I basically have an app with 3 activities: Activity1 Activity2 StartActivity
StartActivity contains two buttons that correspond to the other two activities respectively, starting them up. If I exit the application from Activity1, when I later click on the app icon from the phone, Activity1 is restarted since Android keeps track of this. I need to have the app restart to bring me to the StartActivity, so that I can choose where to go by clicking the buttons, instead of having to click the back button to be able to end up at the StartActivity. I'm assuming onResume and onRestart are involved, but where should they go?
Any help is greatly appreciated thank you.
You might look at the android:clearTaskOnLaunch activity attribute from the Manifest file :
I think setting this attribute to "true" on your root activity does what you want.