Has anyone have good experience using SQLAPI++ Library? (connecting C++ and SQL
What do you recommend, I have a local server, SQL server 2008 and Windows XP.
Do you have a funcional example to connect c++ and sql server
?, just to do a simple
SELECt * FROM mytable;
in C++?
My first impression is that SQLApi++ is great. Here is a bit of background.
I have been using ADO for a long time, but it's starting to give some COM errors for some users, without any helpful information. Also, msado??.tlb is not backwards-compatible so you have to be careful about all your users being on the same version. I understand this might not apply to you, but I figured I would share this anyway.
I started looking into SQLApi++ a few days ago and have almost only good things to say. The only draw-back I have found so far is that there is no way to know how many rows you get back without going to the result set. Also, it isn't free. On the positive side, the API is intuitive, the documentation is good, and the examples are useful. It is blazingly fast by comparison to ADO. Instead of copy/pasting, take a look at http://www.sqlapi.com/Examples/step4.cpp.