I'm using threejs to render some models (gltf/glb). All of them are of different sizes, some are big and some are small. Now I want scale all of them to the same size.
if i use mesh.scale() that would scale the object relative to it's own size. Is there any way to achieve this without manually calculating each model's scale?
Here's my code
function loadModels(points) {
// loader
const loader = new GLTFLoader();
const dl = new DRACOLoader();
let lengthRatios;
const meshes = [];
for (let i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
(gltf) => {
const mesh = gltf.scene;
const meshBounds = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject(mesh);
// Calculate side lengths of model1
const lengthMeshBounds = {
x: Math.abs(meshBounds.max.x - meshBounds.min.x),
y: Math.abs(meshBounds.max.y - meshBounds.min.y),
z: Math.abs(meshBounds.max.z - meshBounds.min.z),
if (lengthRatios) {
lengthRatios = [
lengthRatios[0] / lengthMeshBounds.x,
lengthRatios[1] / lengthMeshBounds.y,
lengthRatios[2] / lengthMeshBounds.z,
} else {
lengthRatios = [
if (meshes.length == store.length) {
(xhr) => {
console.log((xhr.loaded / xhr.total) * 100 + "% loaded");
(error) => {
console.log("An error happened");
function addModels() {
// Select smallest ratio in order to contain the models within the scene
const minRation = Math.min(...lengthRatios);
for (let i = 0; i < meshes.length; i++) {
// Use smallest ratio to scale the model
meshes[i].scale.set(minRation, minRation, minRation);
// position the model/mesh
// add it to the scene
You should create a bounding box around each model.
//Creating the actual bounding boxes
mesh1Bounds = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject( model1 );
mesh2Bounds = new THREE.Box3().setFromObject( model2 );
// Calculate side lengths of model1
let lengthMesh1Bounds = {
x: Math.abs(mesh1Bounds.max.x - mesh1Bounds.min.x),
y: Math.abs(mesh1Bounds.max.y - mesh1Bounds.min.y),
z: Math.abs(mesh1Bounds.max.z - mesh1Bounds.min.z),
// Calculate side lengths of model2
let lengthMesh2Bounds = {
x: Math.abs(mesh2Bounds.max.x - mesh2Bounds.min.x),
y: Math.abs(mesh2Bounds.max.y - mesh2Bounds.min.y),
z: Math.abs(mesh2Bounds.max.z - mesh2Bounds.min.z),
// Calculate length ratios
let lengthRatios = [
(lengthMesh1Bounds.x / lengthMesh2Bounds.x),
(lengthMesh1Bounds.y / lengthMesh2Bounds.y),
(lengthMesh1Bounds.z / lengthMesh2Bounds.z),
// Select smallest ratio in order to contain the models within the scene
let minRatio = Math.min(...lengthRatios);
// Use smallest ratio to scale the model
model.scale.set(minRatio, minRatio, minRatio);