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How to configure RDFWriter to explicit write data type in literals?

I'm saving a TTL file using RDFWriter. How can I explicitly save literals with their data type?

For example, I want "5.36289"^^xsd:float but I get 5.36289E0 instead.

I had the same problem with strings, but I found the BasicWriterSettings.XSD_STRING_TO_PLAIN_LITERAL property that solved. I cannot find any similar configuration for other data types.

I am creating the literals using the method Values.literal.

This is the source code:

FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(ttlOutputFile);
RDFWriter writer = Rio.createWriter(RDFFormat.TURTLE, out);

final WriterConfig config = writer.getWriterConfig();
config.set(BasicWriterSettings.XSD_STRING_TO_PLAIN_LITERAL, false);


for (Statement st : model) {


  • There is a configuration setting called ABBREVIATE_NUMBERS that works like a charm (and it needs to be used only when PRETTY_PRINT is true, which is the default value).

    final WriterConfig config = writer.getWriterConfig();
    config.set(BasicWriterSettings.PRETTY_PRINT, true);
    config.set(BasicWriterSettings.XSD_STRING_TO_PLAIN_LITERAL, false);
    config.set(TurtleWriterSettings.ABBREVIATE_NUMBERS, false);