I want to animate an svg path such that the animation only runs once, however if the d values change then animation should run again once. I'm having trouble having the animation run every time the path values change, if I set the repeatCount value to 1 it won't run again after the svg values change and the svg "rerenders". I included some code below that replicates what I'm trying to do, any help is appreciated. Here is a code demo with just the animation, no react: https://codepen.io/shak8/pen/RwLLjNm
const SVGAnimate = () =>{
const [width, setWidth] = useState(213)
const [prevWidth, setPrevWidth] = useState(213)
return (
<svg width="400" height="500">
<path style="stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"
d=`M 0 212 S 226 212, ${width} 20 V 212 H 0`>
from=`M 0 212 S 226 212,${prevWidth} 20 V 212 H 0`
to=`M 0 212 S 226 212, ${width} 20 V 212 H 0`
<button onClick={() => {
// These should trigger svg path to change, desired
// effect is for path to change with animation.
setPrevWidth(width == width)
setWidth(width == 213 ? 320 : 213)
}> Change</button>
I've also tried using transition on the path, which works perfectly on chrome but doesn't work on safari.
You can use onClick="animation.beginElement()"
As an observation: you have a fill="black" attribute for the animation. I suppose you meant it to be fill="freeze". This would freeze the animation similar to animation-fill-mode: forwards.
<svg width="400" height="200">
<path style="stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)"
d="M 0 212 S 226 212, 100 20 V 212 H 0">
<animate id="animation"
from="M 0 212 S 226 212,100 20 V 212 H 0"
to="M 0 212 S 226 212, 300 20 V 212 H 0"
<button onClick="animation.beginElement()"> Change</button>