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Transform memory nodes to JSON

I need to transform der memory node to JSON. Expected output:

    "citations": [
            "cited": "classes",
            "procceding": [
            "cited": "toCase",
            "procceding": [
                "Ty Corp Ltd v Nu Inc",
                "PY Arbitrage v Bank of WN"

My XQuery:

let $nodes :=
      <text>Ty Corp Ltd v Nu Inc</text>
      <text>PY Arbitrage v Bank of WN</text>
let $map := map:map()
let $p :=
    for $node in $nodes/citations/node()
    let $nodeName := local-name($node)
    let $c :=
      map:put($map, "citations", map:new(map:entry('cited', map:new(map:entry($nodeName, (for $value in $node/node() return $value/fn:string(.)) ))) )  )
    return $c
return xdmp:to-json($map)

$nodes is wrongly transformed:

{"citations": {"cited": {"toCase": ["Ty Corp Ltd v Nu Inc", "PY Arbitrage v Bank of WN"]}}

How can I get the expected JSON?


  • --) You can use json:object() to scaffold in-memory JSON model ( equivalent of XML schema ) and preserve the Object order. I refactor and streamline one of my xml-to-json modules as below. It should fulfill your needs.

    declare function local:marshal-json(
      $master-node as node()
    ) as item()
      let $master-object := json:object()
      let $_ :=
        for $child-node in $master-node/node()
        let $child-name := local-name($child-node)
          map:put($master-object, $child-name,
              for $floor in $child-node/node() return local:floor-object($floor)
      return $master-object        
    declare function local:floor-object(
      $child-node as node()  
    ) as item()
      let $floor-object := json:object()
      let $_ := map:put($floor-object, "cited", local-name($child-node))
      let $floor-values := json:array()
      let $_ :=
        for $gc in $child-node/node()
        return json:array-push($floor-values, $gc/fn:string(.))
      let $_ := map:put($floor-object, "procceding", $floor-values)  
    let $nodes :=
          <text>Ty Corp Ltd v Nu Inc</text>
          <text>PY Arbitrage v Bank of WN</text>

    --) I am not in a position to disapprove over your design. But I approve the spirit. You should be able to transform the XML to JSON (with parameters not hardcoded JSON names) using similar logic.

    Example: Transform

                <propertyType>eligible dividend of CPC</propertyType>
                <propertyType>dividend of trust</propertyType>

    to JSON:

        "entity": {
            "name": "XYZ"
        "bogus": null,
        "property": {
            "Canadian": {
                "propertyType": "eligible dividend of CPC",
                "notionalAmount": 10000
            "foreign": {
                "propertyType": "dividend of trust",
                "notionalAmount": 7000,
                "foreignWithholding": 660
        "capital": {
            "portfolio": [
                    "name": "HF25",
                    "inadequateConsiderationFMV": 10000,
                    "transferredAmount": 15000,
                    "gainLossOnDisposition": 11000
                    "name": "UL1",
                    "superficialLoss": 17000,
                    "reacquired": 5000,
                    "gainLossOnDisposition": -2000
            "security-CUSIP1": {
                "gainLossOnDisposition": -3600

    I use low-level APIs with more leverage: It transforms XML string/text to JSON string or number upon instructions; It conforms to the customised JSON model, object and array structure; It observes XML/JSON naming convention in financial domain.

    --) That said, this programming model is memory-intensive. If XSLT3 parses and transforms JSON in streaming model in Java, it could be more memory-efficient. I never use XSLT3 JSON parser as now and can’t comment on its efficacy.