I was reading about Java Generics and following part seemed problematic:
public class Farm {
private List<Animal> animals;
public void addAnimals(Collection<Animal> newAnimals) {
farm.addAnimals(cats); // Compilation error
farm.addAnimals(dogs); // Compilation error
Cat and Dog are subclasses of Animal.
In order to make it work it is required to define a wildcard type with an upper bound:
public void addAnimals(Collection<? extends Animal> newAnimals)
Shouldn't I be able to use subclasses and superclasses interchangeably without needing to set an upper bound according to the definition of Liskov substition:
Substitutability is a principle in object-oriented programming stating that an object (such as a class) and a sub-object (such as a class that extends the first class) must be interchangeable without breaking the program.
A collection of only cats is not a subclass of a collection of any animal.
This and the compilation error are good things. Otherwise, you could declare a collection of only cats, and stick a dog in it. Trouble would ensue.