I'm trying to map source object which property is set to null
to destination object of which this property is set to another object.
Expected result would be that property of destination object will be null
after mapping. Instead of that, this property is set to an object and all of its properties are set to null
Here is an example:
public class ModelMapperTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
User user = new User();
StatusDto statusDto = new StatusDto();
UserDto userDto = new UserDto();
// user.status=null, userDto.status=StatusDto(id=1, name="Active")
modelMapper.map(user, userDto);
System.out.println("user = " + user);
System.out.println("userDto = " + userDto);
public static class User {
private Status status;
public static class Status {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public static class UserDto {
private StatusDto status;
public static class StatusDto {
private Integer id;
private String name;
user = ModelMapperTest.User(status=null) userDto = ModelMapperTest.UserDto(status=ModelMapperTest.StatusDto(id=null, name=null))
Is it possible to somehow configure model mapper to sets UserDto.status
to null?
I know this is an older question and you seem to have moved on to a different library, but I had the same problem recently and came up with this solution (building on your example):
Converter<?, ?> preserveNullConverter = (context) ->
context.getSource() == null
? null
: modelMapper.map(context.getSource(), context.getDestinationType());
modelMapper.createTypeMap(User.class, UserDto.class)
.addMappings(mapper -> mapper.using(preserveNullConverter).map(User::getStatus, UserDto::setStatus));
It's not ideal because the .addMappings
part needs to be done for every property where the issue occurs, but at least the Converter can be reused.