I was trying to make a div and all its descendants unfocusable. I used a tabIndex -1 on the root div. But that was making focus move to its first focusable child. (The default behavior) Is there a workaround for this issue?
Example code
const SomeFunctionComponent = () => {
// ... some logic ...
const someTrustedHtml = `<p>Hello <a href="stackoverflow.com">World!</a></p>`;
const content = React.createElement("div", {
className: "some class name",
dangerouslySetInnerHTML: {
__html: someTrustedHtml;
tabIndex: -1, /* "tabindex": -1 does not work */
// None of these options helped either
// "data-is-focusable": false,
// "aria-hidden": true,
// disabled: true,
// role: "presentation"
// ... more logic ...
return (
<button onClick={() => console.log("hello world")}></button>
{/* some tab focusable elements */}
expected behavior:
When SomeFunctionComponent
gets focus, focus would move to the button
actual behavior: focus goes to the link in the dangerouslySetInnerHtml
is not inheritable. You have to set it on every element that is natively focusable.
Interestingly enough, the spec says that setting it to -1 does not cause an element to be non-focusable, but I use that all the time and it works on all browsers.
Note that the tabindex attribute cannot be used to make an element non-focusable. The only way a page author can do that is by disabling the element, or making it inert.