I'm using Retrofit to send data to a database but the body saved not is the same that I sent
I'm sending One image in base64 but when I check the file I see that is full of /n spaces
What could be happened?
the problem is with the variable called Adjunto
Retrofit provider:
fun provideRetrofit(): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
I had used Gson Converter but it doesn't work
Retrofit Api:
suspend fun newDocument (@Body document: NewDocument): Response<DocumentResponse>
Body Sent:
override suspend fun newDocument(document: DocumentsItem): Resource<DocumentResponse> {
try {
var newDocument = NewDocument(
Adjunto = document.Adjunto,
Apellido = document.Apellido,
Ciudad = document.Ciudad,
Correo = document.Correo,
Identificacion = document.Identificacion,
Nombre = document.Nombre,
TipoAdjunto = document.TipoAdjunto,
TipoId = document.TipoId
var response = iDocumentDAO.newDocument(document = newDocument).body()
return Resource.Success(data = response!!)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return Resource.Error("The Document doesn't was created")
return Resource.Error("The Document doesn't was created")
Now a part of the base64 images:
But when I take a look at the picture in the database is seem in this way: Base 64 Saved
I have found the solution.
The problem was in the body sent IDK why the val adjunto had \n spaces but when I cleared the val adjunto of whitespace and newlines the file was sent correctly.
This is the new code:
override suspend fun newDocument(document: DocumentsItem): Resource<DocumentResponse> {
try {
Log.d("Document email", document.Correo.toString())
val result= document.Adjunto!!.replace("\n","")
val newDocument = NewDocument(
adjunto = result,
apellido = document.Apellido!!,
ciudad = document.Ciudad!!,
correo = document.Correo!!,
identificacion = document.Identificacion!!,
nombre = document.Nombre!!,
tipoAdjunto = document.TipoAdjunto!!,
tipoId = document.TipoId!!
Log.d("Document Created", newDocument.toString())
val response = iDocumentDAO.newDocument(document = newDocument).body()
Log.d("Document Created", response.toString())
return Resource.Success(data = response!!)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return Resource.Error("The Document doesn't was created")