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Converting geoJson to shapfile as batch using GDAL ogr2ogr in Node JS

I want to convert all the geojsons in a file to shapefiles in a single batch using ogr2ogr library in NodeJS. I know it can be done directly from the terminal using the gdal cli, but I want do know how to do it in Node. Thanks alot!

I have this code to convert a single file:

// Using CommonJS modules
const ogr2ogr = require('ogr2ogr').default;
const fs = require('fs') ;

// Promise API
(async() => {   

  // Convert path to GeoJSON.
  let {data} = await ogr2ogr('/Users/MihaiB/Desktop/test_josm/test22.geojson' );
  let {stream} = await ogr2ogr( data, {format: 'ESRI Shapefile'}, {destination:'/Users/MihaiB/Desktop/shapefile2.shx'});


  • After all, the solution seemed to be pretty easy (even if it took way to long to figure it out) I had to use dirTree package to get the paths for all the files in a given folder

    const ogr2ogr = require('ogr2ogr').default;
    const PATH = require('path');
    const dirTree = require('directory-tree');
      // Promise API
    ( async() => {
      // List Files in a Directory using dirTree package
      const tree = dirTree('/Users/MihaiB/Desktop/test_josm/', {extensions:/\.geojson$/}, 
      async (item, PATH, stats) => {
      // Convert path to GeoJSON
      let {data} = await ogr2ogr(PATH);
      // Convert GeoJSON to Shapefile
      let {stream} = await ogr2ogr( data, {format: 'ESRI Shapefile', destination:'/Users/MihaiB/Desktop/batch2/'});