I want to add to my project CardSO - a scriptable object. I want to give it a name, points and for some cards a special behavior. how can I add a function to the SO field? for most of the cards, it can be empty (or just returning 0), I hoped I can write a function the takes List and return int. Any thoughts?
My current code layout:
using UnityEngine;
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "CardSO", menuName = "New CardSO", order = 0)]
public class CardSO : ScriptableObject
public string name;
public int points;
public Sprite Sprite;
// public int SpecialBehavior(List<CardSO>);
Thank You!
Well ... just implement it. If you need most cards without it why not have a base class and make the method virtual
// Whatever shall be the default behavior
public virtual int SpecialBehavior(List<CardSO> cards) => -1;
and then make a special card child class that can override
this method and return whatever you need
public class SpecialCardSO : CardSO
public override int SpecialBehavior (List<CardSO> cards)
// or whatever
return cards.Length;