I am new with c++/tdd, embraced gtest/gmock, and fell in love. One thing kind of puzzles me though. Are reference pointers really the way to go?
I find myself producing a lot of boiler plate injecting all mocks (even when I don't have any business mocking that behavior).
class set_configuration_command_tests : public testing::Test
void SetUp() override
_uart_peripheral = new uart8_peripheral_mock();
_uart = new uart8_mock(*_uart_peripheral);
_logger = new logger_mock(*_uart);
_mqtt_client = new mqtt_client_mock(*_logger);
_set_configuration_command = new set_configuration_command(*_mqtt_cient);
void TearDown() override
delete _set_configuration_command;
uart8_peripheral_mock *_uart_peripheral;
uart8_mock *_uart;
logger_mock *_logger;
mqtt_client_mock *_mqtt_cient;
set_configuration_command *_set_configuration_command;
TEST_F(set_configuration_command_tests, execute_update_configuration)
// arrange
// act
// assert
What I rather did here, is create my sut as
_mqtt_client = new mqtt_client_mock(nullptr); // will not compile of course
_set_configuration_command = new set_configuration_command(*_mqtt_cient);
All the other mocks, I don't need in this case.
Is this the drawback of using reference pointers? Or is there a better approach I should follow?
Found a better alternative. Providing interfaces (pure virtual classes) heavily reduces the need to provide an entire tree of mocks.
class flash_api : public iflash_api
flash_api(iflash_peripheral &flash_peripheral) : _flash_peripheral(flash_peripheral)
virtual ~flash_api()
Before my mock inherited from flash_api
directly. When I gave this class an interface too (`iflash_api') I can let my mock inherit from iflash_api, which gives me a parameter-less constructor.
class flash_api_mock : public iflash_api
virtual ~flash_api_mock()
Then I can write my unit test based on the mocks I actually want to give behavior.
class set_configuration_command_tests : public testing::Test
void SetUp() override
_mqtt_cient = new mqtt_client_mock();
_flash_api = new flash_api_mock();
_set_configuration_command = new set_configuration_command(*_mqtt_cient, *_flash_api);
void TearDown() override
delete _set_configuration_command;
flash_api_mock *_flash_api;
mqtt_client_mock *_mqtt_cient;
set_configuration_command *_set_configuration_command;