I have a cucumber stepdef like this
Given the date of <date>
When blah blah
Then x y and z
When I generate stepdefs off of this, I get @Given("^the date of (\\d+)-(\\d+)-(\\d+)$")
And the method is generated with three integers as parameters.
How can I tell Cucumber to treat it like a Java.Time LocalDate? Is there a way to create a mapper that Cucumber will understand? Or at the very least, is there a way to treat that date object as a string instead of three numbers?
With Cucumber 7, I'm defining a new @ParameterType
public LocalDate mydate(String dateString) {
return LocalDate.parse(dateString, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy"));
Then I can use step definition @Given
such as :
@Given("person has birthdate {mydate}")
public void person_birthdate(LocalDate birthDate) {
... // do something
The placeholder name {mydate}
is the name of the mapping method, but you can override it through @ParameterType.name